Sad Sayings About Missing Someone

Love is just another word for pain its a broken record repeating the same thing when u want it it’s not there

Love is just another word for pain
its a broken record repeating the same thing
when u want it it’s not there
when u have it u don’t care
when I lose it in the end
the heartbreak the heartache is more than i wanted
we gave up, we made up
it’s not like u cared
deception depression is all that I’ve got
am I losing what’s there
and I’ve made up my mind
I’d b better off alone
love is just a waste of time
and all the lonely nights
and all the crushing scenes
and all the pointless fights
and I’m giving up on happy endings
the ones that are only in movies
where the guy gets the girl and everybody’s happy
I think that’s the way it should be

But I just can’t help the way/ That being with

But I just can’t help the way/ That being with you made me feel.
I wish I wouldn’t wake up sad/ And know I’ve dreamt of you.
I wish I could get through a day/ and never think of you.
I wish I could forget/ How you took away my fears
I wish I only thought of/ When you didn’t wipe my tears.
I wish that you had been the guy/ I hoped that you would be.
I wish I could get over you/ Like you got over me.
I wish that I could see you/ For the person that you are,
But the heart won’t ever listen/ Or grant wishes on a star.
And I wish that all these wishes/ Were full of honesty
But truth be told/ I wish that you would just come back to me

I fill my days with memories of him

I fill my days with memories of him. I remember how he used to look at me, vas if I was his most valuable treasure, has he found a new treasure? I can’t help but wonder if we will be able to find our way back to each other. The road seems so very long, and my head is crowded with such a dark thought. I feel our bond grows weaker by the day and I’m powerless to stop it.